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21 January 2015

Twitter As New Word Of Mouth Marketing

Before the time of social media, businesses, even small ones, know that in order to attract more customers, they have to encourage their satisfied patrons to spread the word about their products—this type of marketing is known as word of mouth marketing. Now, with ever-changing platforms that provide opportunity to bring both consumers and companies closer, word of mouth marketing has also changed and evolved. One way to look at its evolution is through Twitter.

You might be thinking that it might be hard to encapsulate everything you want to say to prospective clients in less than 140 characters, but don’t let this hamper you from utilizing this particular social media tool. Other small businesses even neglect the effect Twitter can have on people, and view the micro-blogging site as a waste of time. Utilizing Twitter for your company’s online marketing, however, does more than just promote your business: it is also key in interacting with your consumers. With Twitter, you are now expected by your loyal customers to provide timely responses from your company, thus boosting their confidence in your business.

Tweeting can also be the opportunity to share with them your values and ideals and what you are most passionate about, which would help prospective customers understand why they should get your products or services. Now that social media is seen to drive consumer spending this year, Twitter can help your business reach over a million people now relying on social media.  

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