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6 July 2015

Why You Need a Mobile Friendly Website

In a city like London, it is not hard to imagine that most local businesses will have their own websites. If you want your company to be noticed, your site must be as accessible to as many people as possible. With more people browsing the Internet from their smartphones and tablets as opposed to desktop PCs, making sure your site works well on mobile devices is, therefore, a crucial business strategy.

We’ve all experienced the frustration of trying to navigate a site that is not mobile optimised. If this describes your site, you’re certain to be losing business to companies whose web presence is properly mobile-ready. Google has recognised the importance of this shift and from April onwards has begun penalising sites that are not mobile friendly by giving them a lower ranking on search listings.

There is another big advantage to having a mobile-ready site, and that is the ability to target customers in your local area. The geo-location features built into most mobile devices allow consumers to search for businesses close to where they are. Mobile optimisation is, therefore, an ideal way of targeting people in your part of London, whether they are residents or visitors looking for a particular service.

The Internet evolves quickly, and no one can accurately predict the future. Yet with wearables and other portable devices increasingly dominating the online arena, it seems certain that mobile use is here to stay. Businesses will need to embrace that reality if they want to succeed.