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4 November 2015

Online Marketing Tips for Small Business

While most business owners will opt to take the easy route with a professional marketing service, you may want to undertake your small business's online marketing yourself. Before you get started flashing ads and blog posts in front of your target audience, there are some fundamental things you should bear in mind about online marketing.

One rookie mistake that a lot of business people seem to make is neglecting to utilise social media. Compared to various other marketing techniques, both digital and traditional, social media produces significantly more leads with the targeted consumer. If you don't know a lot about social media, throwing yourself into all its different forms can be a little too much, so start your company off on one platform, focus on growing its presence there, and expand into other social networks once you've got a comfortable system of interaction going. You'll be amazed at the difference this can make!

Before launching any big online marketing campaigns, make sure you spend some time cultivating and perfecting your brand. As you can imagine, there are countless businesses using the internet to sell products and services like yours, so make sure you stand out from the crowd and stay memorable in the minds of your target audience. When you come to design your website, make sure every aesthetic and functional feature gets your company's unique identity across. How you'll present your brand depends heavily on your specific circumstances, but once you've got a solid, consistent idea on paper, be sure to stick with it.

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